每件享有立減 5%off 優惠
數量 2 起,每件享有立減 10%off 優惠
數量 30 起,每件享有立減 20%off 優惠
Made with antioxidant-rich sea buckthorn oil that has healing and softening properties, and anti-inflammatory & anti-microbiological properties. It helps with wound healing and reduces scarring by stimulating tissue regeneration. It is believed to be a natural remedy to help treat periodic flare-ups of Psoriasis and Rosacea. 由富含抗氧化劑的沙棘油製成,具有治癒和軟化特性以及抗炎和抗微生物特性。它有助於傷口癒合並透過刺激組織再生來減少疤痕。它被認為是幫助治療牛皮癬和紅斑痤瘡週期性發作的自然療法。
Scented with tangerine, bergamot, and patchouli essential oils. 散發著柑橘、佛手柑和廣藿香精油的香氣。
100% natural & handmade. 100% 天然&手工製作 Palm oil free. 不含棕櫚油
INGREDIENTS: coconut oil, shea butter, olive oil, cocoa butter, sea buckthorn oil, distilled water, sodium hydroxide, cocoa powder, tangerine, bergamot and patchouli essential oils. 成分:椰子油、乳木果油、橄欖油、可可脂、沙棘油、蒸餾水、氫氧化鈉、可可粉、橘子、佛手柑和廣藿香精油。
Weight/重量: 115g
MOP 68.0