Copaiba Balsam 苦配巴香脂

每件享有立減 5%off 優惠

數量 2 起,每件享有立減 10%off 優惠

數量 30 起,每件享有立減 20%off 優惠

Special addition soap made special for Lusofonia festival in Macau. This soap bar is designed to hydrate and soothe dry, irritated skin. Brazilian Copaiba essential oil adds a sweet, earthy aroma while also providing anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties to help calm and heal the skin. Perfect for those with sensitive or dry skin, this all-natural soap will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. 為澳門葡韻節特別製作的特別添加香皂。這款皂條旨在滋潤和舒緩乾燥、受刺激的皮膚。巴西苦配巴精油增添了甜美的泥土香氣,同時還具有抗炎和抗菌特性,有助於鎮靜和治癒皮膚。這款純天然肥皂非常適合敏感或乾性肌膚的人士,讓您感覺神清氣爽、煥發活力。

100% natural & handmade. 100% 天然&手工製作 Palm oil free. 不含棕櫚油

INGREDIENTS: coconut oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, distilled water, sodium hydroxide, brazilian copaiba balsam essential oil. 成分:椰子油、甜杏仁油、橄欖油、乳木果油、可可脂、蒸餾水、氫氧化鈉、巴西苦配巴香脂精油。

Weight/重量: 115g

MOP 68.0