100% Traditional recipe Castille Soap for Face, Body and Babies. 100% 傳統配方卡斯提亞肥皂,適用於臉部、身體和嬰兒。

每件享有立減 5%off 優惠

數量 2 起,每件享有立減 10%off 優惠

數量 30 起,每件享有立減 20%off 優惠

Castile soap is one of the oldest soaps around. Records of such have been found dating all the way back to the 11th Century. The best Castile soaps are traditionally made with 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil and that is how we make ours. 卡斯蒂利亞肥皂是周圍最古老的肥皂之一。此類記錄的發現可以追溯到 11 世紀。最好的卡斯蒂利亞肥皂傳統上是用 100% 特級初榨橄欖油製成的,這就是我們的製作方法。

Takes 6 months to cure and be ready to use. It will last a really long time. It is also the most gentle soap. They are great soaps to bathe in especially for those with extremely delicate skin, face and babies. 需要 6 個月的時間來治癒並準備使用。它會持續很長時間。它也是最溫和的肥皂。它們是非常適合沐浴的肥皂,特別適合皮膚、臉部和嬰兒極其嬌嫩的人。

Unscented, fragrance free, very gentle, handmade the old fashioned way from highest quality. 無香型,不含香料,非常溫和,以最高品質的老式方式手工製作。

INGREDIENTS: extra virgin olive oil, distilled water, sodium hydroxide. 成分:特級初榨橄欖油、蒸餾水、氫氧化鈉。

Weight/重量: 100g

MOP 68.0