每件享有立減 5%off 優惠
數量 2 起,每件享有立減 10%off 優惠
數量 30 起,每件享有立減 20%off 優惠
RELAXATION AND CALMING: Lavender is known for its calming and relaxing properties, making it ideal for a soothing bath experience. SLEEP AID: The scent of lavender can help promote better sleep quality and aid in relaxation before bedtime. SKIN NOURISHMENT: Almond oil is rich in vitamins and moisturizing properties that can help nourish and hydrate the skin, leaving it soft and supple. AROMATHERAPY: The floral and herbaceous scent of lavender can create a spa-like atmosphere, promoting a sense of well-being and tranquility. GENTLE AND SAFE: Being made with 100% natural ingredients, the bath bomb is gentle on the skin and safe for regular use. 放鬆和鎮靜:薰衣草以其鎮定和放鬆的特性而聞名,使其成為舒緩沐浴體驗的理想選擇。 幫助睡眠:薰衣草的香味有助於促進更好的睡眠品質並有助於睡前放鬆。 皮膚營養:杏仁油富含維生素和保濕特性,可以幫助滋養和滋潤皮膚,使皮膚柔軟。 芳香療法:薰衣草的花香和草本香味可以營造水療般的氛圍,促進幸福和寧靜的感覺。 溫和安全:沐浴炸彈採用 100% 天然成分製成,對皮膚溫和,定期使用安全。
USAGE: Fill your bathtub with warm water. Drop the 250g lavender bubble bath bomb into the water. Observe as it fizzes and dissolves, releasing bubbles, the soothing scent of lavender, and the moisturizing properties of almond oil. Step into the tub and immerse yourself in the luxurious bath experience. Relax and soak for at least 15-20 minutes to fully benefit from the calming aroma and skin-nourishing effects of the bath bomb. Gently pat your skin dry after your bath to retain the moisture. 用法: 用溫水填滿浴缸。 將 250 克薰衣草泡泡浴彈放入水中。 觀察它的嘶嘶聲和溶解,釋放氣泡,薰衣草的舒緩香氣,以及杏仁油的保濕特性。 步入浴缸,沉浸在奢華的沐浴體驗中。 放鬆身心,浸泡至少 15-20 分鐘,充分享受沐浴炸彈的鎮靜香氣和滋養肌膚的功效。 沐浴後輕輕拍乾肌膚以保持水分。
MOP 68.0